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Boost Your Job Search! Expert Tips for Finding a New Job

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Stephen Brown

Whether you’re looking for a career change, seeking better opportunities, or simply wanting a fresh start, our team of expert consultants have put together some great tips to help you stand out from the crowd and land your dream role.

  1. Have daily job-related goals– Getting a new job is no easy feat! It takes a great deal of time and effort, and there can be months of prepping, applying, researching and interviewing! It can be easy to get distracted too, so focus on achieving daily tasks. For example, don’t leave all your applications for one day in the week, it’s better to apply for one or two jobs a day than be faced with 10 to apply for in one go!

  2. Update your online presence – Do your social profiles position you as a strong candidate for your ideal job? Recruiters actively search for candidates on LinkedIn, so you can’t afford not to have a presence there. It’s also worth inviting previous managers to provide a recommendation and ask them to be specific about your accomplishments, this helps give recruiters and hiring managers the confidence to trust you. Once this is done, actively build and maintain your LinkedIn profile. Join relevant groups, connect with recruitment consultants in your industry, follow employers, and engage in discussions.

  3. Tailor Your CV to each job – Even though many of the roles you apply for may be similar, no two jobs are the same. Tailor your CV to reflect the requirements of each job, after all, it’s better to send one strong, targeted application than ten poor applications. Focus on your accomplishments rather than just listing your responsibilities and highlight how your skills and experience align with their needs. Don't forget your transferable skills, you probably have many that lend themselves to a variety of different roles, these might include communication, conflict resolution, planning or problem-solving.

  4. Include a Cover Letter– A good cover letter is just as important as your CV which is great at providing the details of your previous roles and responsibilities, but it’s your cover letter that tells prospective employers who you are, showcases why they should hire you, and helps you to stand out above all the other candidates. Make sure your cover letter is unique to each application!

  5. Use stories to example your skills – We work with a lot of people, and if there's one thing we've learned, it's that people love stories and tend to remember engaging stories over lists of facts. Plan ahead by identifying personal experiences or accomplishments that highlight the skills needed for a certain job. Add these to your cover letter and expand on them during interviews.

  6. Preparation and research– When you get an interview, make sure to get up to speed on the company, its products, services and management. Good research helps you to answer the question of why you want to work there and reflects your enthusiasm for the role. It also allows you to prepare good questions for your interviewer. Practice answering common interview questions with a friend or family member and pay attention to your body language and communication skills during interviews. You want to maintain eye contact, smile, and speak confidently.

  7. Own your key messages– It’s a good idea to have two or three key points that you want to make, about what you have to offer during your interview. These are the points that you want the Hiring Manager to remember about you. So try and work them in naturally whenever you can.

  8. Preparing for a video interview– Ensure your environment is well-lit and distraction-free. Do a ‘dummy run’ to make sure your tech is working before you start and remember that although you’re at home, it’s still an interview. Wear professional, office-appropriate clothing and have your CV and any notes in front of you.

  9. Know how to listen– Good listening will help you to have a great interview and also show that you are someone who can listen. In an interview, it’s important to know when to talk, when to stop talking and when to ask questions. When you practice your interview, also practice listening carefully and closely without interrupting.

  10. Follow up an interview– After an interview, reinforce your interest in the job by sending a note of thanks. If you presented some examples of your work during the interview, include them in the email too.

  11. Letters of recommendation– Recommendation letters from previous managers can be a handy thing to have. Not all applications require them, but there’s nothing wrong with sending them on to the hiring manager after your interview as a way of further highlighting your skills and helping you to stand out.

  12. Invest in continuous learning– You're bound to have some downtime when you're not applying for roles, and this is a great time to show future employers that you’re proactive by expanding your skill set and upskilling yourself. Whether it’s attending online webinars or completing courses, there are plenty of resources out there to help you get the ball rolling.

  13. Be adaptable and persistent –Job searching can be a rollercoaster of emotions with its fair share of challenges. Be adaptable to changes in the job market, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks. Stay persistent, maintain a positive mindset, and learn from each experience. The right opportunity may take time to materialise, but staying resilient will increase your chances of success.

We hope that these tips will help you set a strategy for finding your next role, be sure to keep an eye on our latest vacancies and our experienced team of consultants are always happy to have a chat and offer advice. You can talk to them on  01530 833825.