Danny Turnock
Recruitment Consultant
- d.turnock@europrojects.co.uk
- 01530 833825
- LinkedIn Profile
What does your role involve?
I work as a Consultant and strive to provide the best service possible to our customer base (both Clients & Candidates). I try to communicate as much as possible throughout the recruitment process to let people feel that I am always on hand to provide a solution to any problem a customer may have.
The biggest factor for an employee staying within a business is rarely because of skillset, but because of culture fit. I like to spend a lot of time getting to know our candidates during the screening process and building strong relationships. We quite often get success from placing candidates that on paper don’t look like they are suited but we know that culturally they are a strong fit for our customer.
What do you like about working at Euro Projects?
I enjoy working with like-minded individuals who are always striving to improve the way we work as a business and how we can improve our service to customers which ultimately will benefit me as an individual and the business overall!
Favourite quote:
"The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty." - Churchill
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I play football for a local football team on a Saturday, occasional game of squash and enjoy having a beer or two.